Our Values and Ethos
At Hamstel we aim:
▪ To welcome each child into a caring community, so that by being valued they learn to value others.
▪ To promote in each child confidence to do their best at all times and encourage them to be persistent to meet the challenges that they may encounter in life.
▪ To promote in each child an enjoyment for learning and school.
▪ To provide a stimulating and varied curriculum so that every child is encouraged to develop her or his understanding and skills to their fullest potential.
▪ To promote in all our children an attitude of self-discipline, responsibility and independence so they, as adults, may make a real contribution to their community in a changing world.
We hope to give every child…..
- The opportunity to develop the skills and acquire the understanding which provides a firm foundation for all future learning.
- An education that is broad and balanced, covering all areas of the National Curriculum as well as important areas of health, safety, personal and social development and religious education
- An understanding of all communities and the cultural diversity that makes the modern world.
- The recognition that each child will develop at his or her own rate.
- A sense of pride and respect for each pupil’s personal identity and fairness for all regardless of gender, race, social background or physical diversity.
- The challenge, encouragement and understanding necessary to reach his or her full potential.
Click on the document below to view our British Values Statement