Life Cycles
In science, the year 5 children have had fun learning about the life cycles of plants, amphibians, insects, mammals and birds. The children dissected daffodils and tulips to learn about how plants reproduce and then observed the metamorphosis of an insect when their own caterpillars turned into butterflies. As part of Science Week, the children enjoyed turning one of the life cycles into a stop-motion animation.
The children in year 5 enjoyed creating abstract paintings in the style of Australian artist, Peter Thorpe, as part of their topic on Space.
Virtual Reality Sessions
Year 5's topic on Space started with an amazing view of the Solar System courtesy of VR headsets provided by PrimeVR. The children's trip into space allowed them to see the planets lined up in size order and marvel at how many stars the Milky Way contains. The children’s trip into space culminated with a view of what scientists believe the Solar System looked like when it was born. It was a great way to start the children's topic about space!