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Summer Term



Year 4 had the honour of being the first year group to cook in the school's brand new children's kitchen. 

The children carefully planned their own recipe for pasta sauce and then had the opportunity to make it for themselves. They learnt how to chop, grate and peel a variety of foods and used the induction hobs to cook their sauce. The children then took their pasta dish home;  we've received reports that they tasted delicious!

Beach Trip


This term each of our year 4 classes had the chance to visit the beach. The children had a great time sketching and creating art collages as part of their study of the river Thames.

Artist Visit


Year 4 enjoyed a visit from local artist, Lola Swain at the beginning of the summer term.  Lola spent time with each class showing the children how to make printing blocks and use printing inks.  She focused on the steps and skills needed to print effectively.  Her message was 'simple but effective', which helped the children produce some great prints of their own.

The children will use their designs to illustrate their own books containing the stories they have been writing based on the Minpins.

Pond Dipping

The children in year 4 have been pond dipping as part of their science work.  They really enjoyed the experience and were fascinated by the different creatures they found.


The Minpins


The beginning of the summer term saw our year 4 children hunting for Minpin doors on the school field.  As they couldn't see what was behind each door, the children had to use their imagination to create their own 'through the window art'.
