Shoeburyness East Beach Trip
The whole of year 3 travelled to Shoebury East Beach during the summer term. Once there, they compared the plants, rocks and natural objects with those they had found during their previous beach trip. They practised their artistic skills by producing beach art using natural objects they had found and learnt to play some beach games including a version of boules.
Southchurch Beach Trip
Year 3 spent a day at Southchurch beach extending some of their work in science and art. They looked for different types of rocks and classified them into the 3 groups- igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic- that they had been learning about in class. They also did some quadrant studies to see which plants were growing in different places on the beach. They then made careful observational drawings of the plants they had found. They created amazing pieces of natural art using things they had found on the beach including shells, stones, seaweed and driftwood.
PSHE - Healthy Eating
As part of their PHSE unit on Healthy Living, year 3 have been exploring healthy eating. They revisited the science work that they had done earlier in the year about food groups and discussed the need to have a balance of all of these, every day, to ensure they keep healthy.
The children were then given the task of selecting a balanced lunch. Their food choices were based on the foods that they are offered in the dining hall. They then had an opportunity, to discuss in their groups, what they thought was the most balanced meal.
Here are some of the meals that the children selected.
You might want to take this opportunity to discuss this activity with your child as well as the meal selections that they make when they are having a school dinner. We expect all children to eat at least one portion of vegetables, salad or fruit with each meal.
The children were then asked to ‘build’ their own packed lunch. They were given an amount of money to buy their items and their choices were discussed within their groups. Once more, they were aiming for a balanced meal that included all the food groups in the appropriate proportions.
Here are some of the lunches that the children created.
When packing a lunch for your child, you might want to involve them in the process and see if they can use the knowledge that they have acquired, to produce a balanced lunch for themselves.
Year 3 has been exploring plate tectonics in geography lessons using Oreo biscuits! The children used the biscuit top to recreate the four different plate tectonic boundaries and investigated what would happen to the magma under the Earth's crust (Oreo cream filling!) at each boundary. They also went on to discuss the physical features which are created at each boundary such as volcanoes, earthquakes and fold mountains. The children had to use all their restraint not to eat their tectonic plates!
Library Visit